Description: A variety of wedding accessory for Groom can be designed and submitted in this category. For example Brooch, Belt buckle, Button set, Watch, Arm band, Bracelet, Kalgi, Pocket watch, Cufflink, Tiepin, Coat pin etc.
Gemstone to be Used:“Emerald” Emerald should be used as the Primary Gemstone. Supported by Diamonds, Pearls or other semi precious stones. Enamel, various textures and surface finishes can also be used.
Theme for the Design:“Nature – Sunrise” The beauty of Nature at the time of Sunrise shall be the prime inspiration of the design.
Metals to be used: “Precious Metals” Precious metals like, yellow gold, white gold, rose gold , green gold or platinum can be used for making designs.
Format of Submission: Computer rendered Image in JPG format or high resolution scan of hand rendered sketch. (3D CAD Files will be required for all shortlisted designs for final selection)
Eligibility: Independent Jewellery Designers (Aged 18 yr & above) to enhance or embellish the design.